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This is a space where I share my thoughts on numerous topics, press articles and interviews, and delve into some of the more complicated and frequently asked scientific questions.

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Flat Qubiters

Flat Earthers are a small but growing community of people who, as the name suggests, believe that the Earth is flat. They claim, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, that they can account using flat geometry for all the experiments revealing the Earth’s spherical shape.

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Macroscopic Quantum Entanglement

The discovery of quantum mechanics in 1925 was followed by a fierce debate about its meaning and implications. And this debate still rages on, but there have been many twists and turns since the early days. This blog is about the twists that I think are about to happen.

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Superposing Newton and Einstein

Discover how a recent quantum experiment confirmed a century-old theory, blending Einstein’s relativity with quantum mechanics, proving groundbreaking in validating the complex dynamics of particles in gravitational fields.

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An Argument Against Quantizing Spacetime

Someone witty once said: “It’s hard finding a black cat in a dark room” and then added sarcastically:” …especially when there is no black cat”. This metaphor of a *non-existent black cat in a dark room* is frequently used by atheists to argue against religion (God being the cat), but here I want to argue against the view that space and time need to be quantized…

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The Physics of Consciousness

(It’s relativity, stupid) No one knows what consciousness is and how (or even if) the brain produces it. I’ve written about this before and I have to admit straight up that I am as clueless as anybody.

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The Kochen-Specker “Paradox”

There are many ways of describing the fundamental difference between quantum and classical physics. The main issue is that of the existence of quantum superpositions, namely that an object can exist in many different states at the same time.

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