In Print

A collection of my most cited research papers, and a selection of my books.

My Research

Observation of the quantum equivalence principle for matter-waves

Einstein’s general theory of relativity is based on the principle of equivalence – in essence, dating back to Galileo – which asserts that, locally, the effect of a gravitational field is equivalent to that of an accelerating reference frame, so that the local gravitational field is eliminated in a freely falling frame.

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Geometry from quantum temporal correlations

In this work, we show how Euclidean 3-space uniquely emerges from the structure of quantum temporal correlations associated with sequential measurements of Pauli observables on a single qubit.

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Thermodynamic limits of the Mpemba effect: A unified resource theory analysis

The Mpemba effect, a counterintuitive thermodynamic phenomenon in which a hotter system cools more rapidly than a colder one, has been observed in both classical and quantum systems.

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Quantum Homogenization as a Quantum Steady State Protocol on NISQ Hardware

Quantum homogenization is a reservoir-based quantum state approximation protocol, which has been successfully implemented in state transformation on quantum hardware. In this work we move beyond that and propose the homogenization as a novel platform for quantum state stabilization and information protection.

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Dissipation-induced Quantum Homogenization for Temporal Information Processing

Quantum reservoirs have great potential as they utilize the complex real-time dissipative dynamics of quantum systems for information processing and target time-series generation without precise control or fine-tuning of the Hamiltonian parameters.

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Quantum causal inference via scattering circuits in NMR

We report NMR scattering circuit experiments that reveal causal structure. The scattering circuit involves interacting a probe qubit with the system of interest and finally measuring the probe qubit. The scattering circuit thereby implements a coarse-grained projective measurement.

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Experimental demonstration of quantum causal inference via noninvasive measurements

We probe the foundations of causal structure inference experimentally. The causal structure concerns which events influence other events. We probe whether causal structure can be determined without intervention in quantum systems.

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On the Role of Locality in the Bose-Marletto-Vedral Effect

Two of us recently proposed an entanglement-based witness of non-classicality, which can be applied to testing quantum effects in gravity in what is known as the Bose-Marletto-Vedral (BMV) effect.

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The Bose-Marletto-Vedral experiment with nanodiamond interferometers: an insight on entanglement detection

Recently, it has been proposed a new method [arXiv:2405.21029] to detect quantum gravity effects, based on generating gravitational entanglement between two nano-diamonds with Nitrogen-Vacancy defects, in a magnetically trapped configuration.

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Quantum-information methods for quantum gravity laboratory-based tests

Quantum theory and general relativity are about one century old. At present, they are considered the best available explanations of physical reality, and they have been so far corroborated by all experiments realised so far.

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Quantum Mutual Information in Time

While the quantum mutual information is a fundamental measure of quantum information, it is only defined for spacelike-separated quantum systems.

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Universal quantum theory contains twisted logic

Quantum theory is notoriously counterintuitive, and yet remains entirely self-consistent when applied universally. Here we uncover a new manifestation of its unusual consequences.

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