In Print

A collection of my most cited research papers, and a selection of my books.

My Research

Temporal witnesses of non-classicality in a macroscopic biological system

Exciton transfer along a polymer is essential for many biological processes, for instance light harvesting in photosynthetic biosystems. Here we apply a new witness of non-classicality to this phenomenon, to conclude that, if an exciton can mediate the coherent quantum evolution of a photon, then the exciton is non-classical. We then propose a general qubit model for the quantum transfer of an exciton along a polymer chain, also discussing the effects of environmental decoherence. The generality of our results makes them ideal candidates to design new tests of quantum features in complex bio-molecules.

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Conservation Laws and the Quantization of Gravity

Adopting general frameworks for quantum-classical dynamics, we analyze the interaction between quantum matter and a classical gravitational field. We point out that, assuming conservation of momentum or energy, and assuming that the dynamics obeys Hamiltonian formalism or a particular decomposition property set out in the paper, the classical gravitational field cannot change the momentum or energy of the quantum system, whereas the quantum gravitational field can do so. Drawing upon the fundamental relationship between conservation laws and the quantum properties of objects, our analysis offers new perspectives for the study of quantum gravity and provides a novel interpretation of existing…

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Observable Statistical Mechanics

Understanding equilibration and thermalization in isolated many-body quantum systems is a central challenge in quantum physics. The traditional approach focuses on the study of the full state of the quantum system which, at equilibrium, is best described by the Diagonal Ensemble. Here, we present Observable Statistical Mechanics, a novel paradigm that shifts attention from the full quantum state to the statistics of measurement outcomes. This approach is grounded in the Maximum Observable Entropy Principle, positing that equilibrium measurement statistics tend to maximize observable entropy under conserved average energy. By focusing on accessible measurements, the theory accurately predicts equilibrium probability distributions…

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Planar Rotor in Matrix Mechanics and the Role of States in Quantum Physics

We illustrate Heisenberg’s method of matrix mechanics using the planar quantum rotor example. We show how to find the spectrum of this simple model without the need to use the eigenstates of the system. This then leads us to speculate on the role the Heisenberg state plays in quantum mechanics and to ask whether one could even completely dispose of the need for states.

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The Bose-Marletto-Vedral proposal in different frames of reference and the quantum nature of gravity

Observing spatial entanglement in the Bose-Marletto-Vedral (BMV) experiment would demonstrate the existence of non-classical properties of the gravitational field. We show that the special relativistic invariance of the linear regime of general relativity implies that all the components of the gravitational potential must be non-classical. This is simply necessary in order to describe the BMV entanglement consistently across different inertial frames of reference. On the other hand, we show that the entanglement in accelerated frames could differ from that in stationary frames.

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Witnessing superpositions of causal orders before the process is completed

The questions we raise in this letter are as follows: What is the most general representation of a quantum state at a single point in time? Can we adapt the current formalisms to situations where the order of quantum operations is coherently or incoherently superposed? If so, what are the relations between the state at a given time and the uncertainty in the order of events before and after it? Establishing the relationship between two-state vector formalism and pseudo-density operators, we introduce the notion of a single-time pseudo-state. The tomographic construction of single-time pseudo-states is possible by ideal or weak…

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Quantum Causal Inference with Extremely Light Touch

We consider the quantum version of inferring the causal relation between events. There has been recent progress towards identifying minimal interventions and observations needed. We here give an explicit quantum causal inference scheme using quantum observations alone for the case of a bipartite quantum system with measurements at two times. In this scenario there may be combinations of temporal and spatial correlations. We derive a closed-form expression for the space-time pseudo-density matrix associated with many times and qubits. This matrix can be determined by coarse-grained quantum observations alone and the protocol is in that sense extremely light touch. We prove…

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Matrix Mechanics of a Particle in a One-Dimensional Infinite Square Well

We solve the infinite potential well problem using the methods of Heisenberg’s matrix mechanics. In addition to being of educational value, the matrix mechanics allows us to deal with various unphysical issues caused by this potential in a seemingly unproblematic fashion. We also show how to treat many particles within this representation.

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Locality in the Schroedinger Picture of Quantum Mechanics

We explain how the so-called Einstein locality is to be understood in the Schrödinger picture of quantum mechanics. This notion is perfectly compatible with the Bell non-locality exhibited by entangled states. Contrary to some beliefs that quantum mechanics is incomplete, it is, in fact, its overcompleteness as exemplified by different pictures of quantum physics, that points to the same underlying reality.

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Conservation Laws Reveal the Quantumness of Gravity

Adopting a general framework for quantum-classical dynamics, we analyze the interaction between quantum matter and a classical gravitational field. We point out that, assuming conservation of momentum or energy, and assuming that the dynamics obeys a particular decomposition property set out in the paper, the classical gravitational field cannot change the momentum or energy of the quantum system, whereas the quantum gravitational field can do so. Drawing upon the fundamental relationship between conservation laws and the quantum properties of objects, our analysis offers new perspectives for the study of quantum gravity and provides a novel interpretation of existing experimental observations,…

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Comparing coherent and incoherent models for quantum homogenization

Here we investigate the role of quantum interference in the quantum homogenizer, whose convergence properties model a thermalization process. In the original quantum homogenizer protocol, a system qubit converges to the state of identical reservoir qubits through partial-swap interactions, that allow interference between reservoir qubits. We design an alternative, incoherent quantum homogenizer, where each system-reservoir interaction is moderated by a control qubit using a controlled-swap interaction. We show that our incoherent homogenizer satisfies the essential conditions for homogenization, being able to transform a qubit from any state to any other state to arbitrary accuracy, with negligible impact on the reservoir…

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Observable Thermalization: Theory, Numerical and Analytical Evidence

Predicting whether an observable will dynamically evolve to thermal equilibrium in an isolated quantum system is an important open problem, as it determines the applicability of thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. The Observable Thermalization framework has been proposed as a solution, characterizing observables that thermalize using an observable-specific maximum entropy principle. In this paper, we achieve three results. First, we confirm the dynamical relaxation of local observables towards maximum entropy, in a 1D Ising chain. Second, we provide the most general solution to the maximization problem and numerically verify some general predictions about equilibrium behavior in the same model. Third, we…

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